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You can go to school fast,

​​you can go to school cheap,

​​​or you can go to school right!


Advanced Training Center

You are looking at a beauty school web page. This means that you are probably looking for hairdressing, esthetician or instructor training, or
a great place to get your beauty services done or you're an employer looking for a great employee.
Whatever your reason, we are here for just one thing. A very important thing. The Future!
To be more specific, we're here for YOUR future! Your future career, your future employees, and your future beauty services. Your future deserves the best. Don't disappoint your future by choosing an inferior place. Choose the best!

MetrOasis® ATC
can train you to be
one of the top hairdressers
or estheticians in Alaska!

If you think you don't have time to attend a good beauty or esthetics school now and you attend the fast factory school, where are you going to find the time to retrain the bad habits out and learn all the skills you should have learned in school, but didn't.

If you think you can't afford to attend a good beauty school now, and you choose the cheapest school, how are you going to afford all the extra classes and equipment that you didn't receive at the cheap school?

Quote by John Rushkin about paying too little for a product.
Reviews of top three beauty schools in Anchorage, Alaska


MetrOasis LLC is a unique beauty business located in Anchorage, Alaska right the middle of one of the most beautiful places on earth. Find out about our boutique beauty school that was voted BEST beauty school in Alaska (or has the highest ratings) at YellowPages, SuperPages, Citysearch, Google MapsBizVotesInsiderPagesHello Anchorage, Judy's BookMicroPoll, and more.

Think we're kidding about being the best? Check out these sites for yourself.


Our hairdressing program (link above)  and our esthetics program (link above) are great and we have the best-trained hairdressing and esthetics instructors in Alaska. How do we KNOW this? Because we spend more money, make more effort, and travel further and more frequently to get advanced international training each year than anyone else in the state in places like Paris, France, Barcelona, Spain,  Bologna, Italy, London, UK, Hollywood, USLos Angeles, US, Long Beach, US, Las Vegas, US, and many more.


Ask the instructors at ANY beauty school you're thinking of attending what their level of training is, where they've trained when they've trained, and how frequently they train. You'll be amazed and a bit troubled. MetrOasis Instructors. Why is this so important to us? Because education is the key to success in the beauty industry. The very best hairdressing education and the very best esthetician education will pave your way to the top of the industry.


We have three of our own hair care/skin care lines for one. We weren't happy with the quality of most of the "professional" salon products out there, we were tired of having to deal with diverted, adulterated & counterfeit products at Costco, Fred Meyer, drug stores, etc., so we developed our own products. We use the BEST professional hair color in the world. This isn't just our opinion, this is fact. You can find out about it here



Our training is completely different from other schools. Other beauty schools train you to be a beauty school student and then the salon you work for trains you to be a stylist. Ask the other schools about their color training. Ask them how their color line did in the professional hair color comparison.


Hairdressers... We train you to be a stylist while you're still in school. Our "Red Book" is a record of beauty school-level accomplishments. That's where other beauty schools stop. We continue training you with advanced techniques and use our "Blue Book" to record your salon-level accomplishments. This means that by the time you graduate, you are already doing salon-level work.


For you, this means you can save thousands of dollars by not having to travel around (like I did) to complete your training by taking advanced training classes. For salons, it means that they don't have to take someone right out of school and train them in salon techniques from scratch. It's a win/win situation. Franz Sigel Shroy has held every position in the beauty industry.


If you want to sit down and discuss what being in the beauty business is like, Sigel is a great place to start. A great place to end is at another beauty school in the town where the owner isn't even a licensed hairdresser, esthetician, or instructor. They'll try to tell you all about the beauty biz too but most of it simply isn't true. YOU have to decide. Do you want to be a part of a factory beauty school where they teach very little or do you want the highest level of international training by instructors that train internationally every year? 

Estheticians... Our curriculum, our passion, our equipment, and our teaching techniques are SO much more advanced than any comparison to any other esthetics school in Alaska is laughable! Ask a few estheticians where they got their start. Chances are they're going to tell you MetrOasis. In fact, chances are that estheticians that didn't attend MetrOasis will also refer you to us. Why? Because we produce the best-trained estheticians in Alaska! 


This is a recent email we received - Sigel - "It was so wonderful to meet YOU yesterday. No, I do not mind that you took a peek at my site or at my tags. Thank you for your input there, and also for the time you spent with me yesterday. I do love the folks I paid to teach me, but I can honestly say you spent more valuable time with me in one hour than I received the entire time I was in esthetics training.


I could never tell you how grateful I am that you took the time that you did. It was obvious from the time I called and spoke to Sue to set up the appointment, to the time I walked out the door, that you two are truly passionate about what you do. There is a huge place in my heart for people as dedicated and in love with their work as both of you are. I am so thankful to have met you. P.S. You are also damn funny and I appreciate you letting me pick your brain:)" A.W.                 

(From a graduate of the other esthetician program in town) 

If you need some more help in deciding, use this Beauty School Comparison Form and decide for yourself.


We think this says a lot about how serious we are about what we do! Make an appointment online, book your next vacation, find some great hair care or skin care products, or think about joining us on our next trip. It's all right here. And above all... HAVE FUN!

Got some more questions? Check out the MetrOasis ATC Student Catalog. 

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Copyright 1993-2024  MetrOasis LLC Beauty School - Advanced Training Center  & Esthetics School, 4450 Cordova Street #130 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 (907) 276-4110

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